Record Takedown Process

To request a takedown of records involving a network you operate, please send an email to with the subject line Record Takedown Request - subnet1 containing the following details:

  • Address or Subnet
  • Contact E-mail

1Subnets should be written in the CIDR format.

Example: if you were submitting a takedown request for the subnet, your email would be formatted as follows:

Record Takedown Request -



Once your request is processed, your address or subnet will be assigned a "probation" status which will last for seven days.

If any incidents occur during the probation period, the probation will be terminated and you must apply for a takedown again. If probation lapses without reported incidents, incidents involving the subnet or host will be marked "pending deletion" and be removed from being listed on incident reports.

Records marked for deletion will be hidden from listing for 30 days before a complete removal. If any incidents occur before deletion occurs, the "pending deletion" status may be revoked and associated records may return to viewable incident reports.

These probation and pending-deletion statuses are to ensure that active malicious hosts are not removed from listing.